That's National Haiku Writing Month and a challenge to write one haiku every day during February. They're only little poems and it's only one a day, so no sweat, right? Actually, it always surprises me how much discipline it takes to commit to adopting a new daily habit! To ignore the voice that says, Oh don't worry, give it a miss today.
There's a daily prompt to focus and guide me. Today is Pasta. Tomorrow is Eggs. I hope there's roast chicken, chips, and chocolate in there at some point!
I might get some good haiku out of this. I'll probably write some that don't amount to much. But I'll be writing, consciously. And in a direction I haven't dictated for myself - there are always discoveries to be made when I enter un-mapped writing territory.
the waiter asks me again
which pasta I'd like
I think I'm trying to be too clever here: orecchiette means 'little ears' in Italian. But at least it's a start.
spaghetti hoops
my grandson tries to convince me
he didn't do it
I'm trying too hard, tying the two halves of the haiku together with a band of iron, rather than a loose thread. Trying to get the idea of 'jumping through hoops' into the haiku. Haiku are light, fleeting moments captured, insights. This is clunky.
Oh well, there's the rest of the day. And maybe I'll have more luck with eggs tomorrow. And the rest of the month's prompts.
Hungry Writing Prompts
Write a haiku.
Write about eating pasta.
Write about following a map.
Write about cleverness.
Write about being lucky.
For me it's about getting them down and then sifting through - and sometimes realising that one half works but the other half doesn't and sadly sometimes never finding another half that does. I have notebooks full of halves destined never to find their perfect match!